Call me “Nicky,” “Dr. W,” “Professor Wakim,” or any combo!
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
Originally from DC area (Virginia side!)
Two kitties
Volleyball, biking, spikeball, pickleball
But also sleeping, TV, and reading
Just started taking a couple classes at PCC (French, ceramics, yoga)
Slowly regrowing my plant collection after moving from Michigan
Star the class website: https://nwakim.github.io/F2023_BSTA_550/
Complete the WhenIsGood for office hours
Complete Homework 0 by this Thursday at 11pm!
Highly suggest that you make an appointment with a learning specialist through Student Academic Support Services!
Important Note
This is my first time teaching the course. I will work hard to answer your questions in class, but I will often need some time outside of class to make sure I give you the best answer possible! Also, many of the examples are not my own. I will work to improve examples, but if you have feedback or suggestions, I am happy to hear them!