Make sure to remember your answer!! We’ll use this on Wednesday!
Understand the difference between testing for association and measuring association
Estimate the risk difference (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the risk ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the odds ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the risk difference (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the risk ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the odds ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
For studies with two independent samples
Test of association does not provide an effective measure of association. The p-value alone is not enough
\(\text{p-value} < 0.05\) suggests there is a statistically significant association between the group and outcome
\(\text{p-value} = 0.00001\) vs. \(\text{p-value} = 0.01\) does not mean the magnistude of association is different
When we have a 2x2 contingency table and independent samples, we have an option of three measures of association:
Each measures association by comparing the proportion of successes/failures from each categorical group of our explanatory variable.
Let’s define the cells within a 2x2 contingency table:
Then we can define risk: the proportion of “successes”
Estimate the risk ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the odds ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Risk difference computes the absolute difference in risk for the two groups (from the explanatory variable)
Point estimate: \[\widehat{RD} = \widehat{p}_1 - \widehat{p}_1 = \dfrac{n_{11}}{n_1} - \dfrac{n_{21}}{n_2}\]
Approximate standard error:
\[ SE_{\widehat{RD}} = \sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}_1\cdot(1-\hat{p}_1)}{n_1} + \frac{\hat{p}_2\cdot(1-\hat{p}_2)}{n_2}}\]
\[\widehat{RD} \pm 1.96 \cdot SE_{\widehat{RD}}\]
The Strong Heart Study is an ongoing study of American Indians residing in 13 tribal communities in three geographic areas (AZ, OK, and SD/ND). We will look at data from this study examining the incidence of diabetes at a follow-up visit and impaired glucose tolerance (ITG) at baseline (4 years apart).
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Risk difference
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes risk difference between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Needed steps:
Risk difference
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes risk difference between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Risk difference
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes risk difference between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
\[\begin{aligned} &\widehat{RD}\pm z_{\left(1-\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)}^\ast \times SE_{\widehat{RD}} \\ = &\widehat{RD}\pm z_{\left(1-\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)}^\ast \times \sqrt{\frac{{\hat{p}}_1\ (1-{\hat{p}}_1)}{n_1}+\frac{{\hat{p}}_2(1-{\hat{p}}_2)}{n_2}\ }\\ = & 0.2591 \pm 1.96\times \sqrt{\frac{0.3722(1-0.3722)}{532}+\frac{0.1131(1-0.1131)}{1132}\ }\\ = & (0.2141,\ 0.3041 )\end{aligned}\]
Risk difference
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes risk difference between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
1/2. Compute risk difference and 95% confidence interval
Cases People at risk Risk
Exposed 198.0000000 532.0000000 0.3721805
Unexposed 128.0000000 1132.0000000 0.1130742
Total 326.0000000 1664.0000000 0.1959135
Risk difference and its significance probability (H0: The difference
equals to zero)
data: 198 128 532 1132
p-value < 2.2e-16
95 percent confidence interval:
0.2140779 0.3041346
sample estimates:
[1] 0.2591062
Risk difference
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes risk difference between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
The diabetes diagnosis risk difference between impaired and normal glucose tolerance is 0.2591 (95% CI: 0.2141, 0.3041). Since the 95% confidence interval contains 0, we do not have sufficient evidence that the risk of diabetes diagnosis between impaired and normal glucose tolerance is different.
Example: for two treatments A and B, we know the risk difference (RD) is 0.009. Is it a meaningful difference?
Using the RD alone to summarize the difference in risks for comparing the two groups can be misleading
Understand the difference between testing for association and measuring association
Estimate the risk difference (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Relative risk computes the ratio of each group’s proportions of “success”
Point estimate: \[\widehat{RR}=\dfrac{\hat{p}_1}{\hat{p}_2} = \dfrac{n_{11}/n_1}{n_{21}/n_2}\]
Sampling distribution of the relative risk is highly skewed unless sample sizes are quite large
We take the log (natural log) of RR: \(\ln(\widehat{RR})\) or \(log(\widehat{RR})\)
Then we need to find approximate standard error for \(\ln(\widehat{RR})\) \[SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{n_{11}}\ -\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_{21}}-\frac{1}{n_2}}\]
95% confidence interval for \(\ln(\widehat{RR})\): \[\ln(\widehat{RR}) \pm 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}\]
\[ \bigg(\ln(\widehat{RR}) - 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}, \ \ln(\widehat{RR}) + 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}\bigg)\]
Now we need to exponentiate the CI to get back to interpretable values
95% confidence interval for RR: two ways to display equation
\[ \bigg(e^{\ln(\widehat{RR}) - 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}}, \ e^{\ln(\widehat{RR}) + 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}}\bigg)\] \[ \bigg(\exp\big(\ln(\widehat{RR}) - 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}\big), \ \exp\big(\ln(\widehat{RR}) + 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})}\big)\bigg)\]
Can you compute the estimated RRs for the previous example?
When \(\widehat{RR}= 1\) …
When computing \(\widehat{RR}\) it is important to identify which variable is the response variable and which is explanatory variable
Relative risk
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Relative risk between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Needed steps:
Relative risk
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Relative risk between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Relative risk
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Relative risk between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
\[\begin{aligned} & \ln(\widehat{RR}) \pm 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{RR})} \\ = &\ln(\widehat{RR}) \pm z_{\left(1-\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)}^\ast \times \sqrt{\frac{1}{n_{11}}\ -\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_{21}}-\frac{1}{n_2}}\\ = & 1.1913 \pm 1.96\times \sqrt{\frac{1}{198}\ -\frac{1}{532}+\frac{1}{128}-\frac{1}{1132}}\\ = & (0.9944,\ 1.3883 )\end{aligned}\]
Relative risk
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Relative risk between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
\[\begin{aligned} & (\exp(0.9944),\ \exp(1.3883 )) \\ = & (2.703,\ 4.0081 )\end{aligned}\]
Relative risk
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Relative risk between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
1/2/3. Compute risk ratio and 95% confidence interval
packageSHS = SHS %>% mutate(glucimp = as.factor(glucimp) %>% relevel(ref = "Normal"))
contingency(case ~ glucimp, data = SHS)
Predictor 1 0
Impaired 198 334
Normal 128 1004
Outcome + Outcome - Total Inc risk *
Exposed + 198 334 532 37.22 (33.10 to 41.48)
Exposed - 128 1004 1132 11.31 (9.52 to 13.30)
Total 326 1338 1664 19.59 (17.71 to 21.58)
Point estimates and 95% CIs:
Inc risk ratio 3.29 (2.70, 4.01)
Inc odds ratio 4.65 (3.61, 6.00)
Attrib risk in the exposed * 25.91 (21.41, 30.41)
Attrib fraction in the exposed (%) 69.62 (63.00, 75.05)
Attrib risk in the population * 8.28 (5.63, 10.94)
Attrib fraction in the population (%) 42.28 (34.71, 48.98)
Uncorrected chi2 test that OR = 1: chi2(1) = 154.239 Pr>chi2 = <0.001
Fisher exact test that OR = 1: Pr>chi2 = <0.001
Wald confidence limits
CI: confidence interval
* Outcomes per 100 population units
Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
data: dat
X-squared = 152.6, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
Relative risk
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Relative risk between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
The estimated risk of diabetes is 3.29 times greater for American Indians who had impaired glucose tolerance at baseline compared to those who had normal glucose tolerance (95% CI: 2.70, 4.01).
Additional interpretation of 95% CI (not needed): We are 95% confident that the (population) relative risk is between 2.70 and 4.01.
Since the 95% confidence interval does not include 1, there is sufficient evidence that the risk of diabetes differs significantly between impaired and normal glucose tolerance at baseline.
Understand the difference between testing for association and measuring association
Estimate the risk difference (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the risk ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
For a probability of success \(p\) (or sometimes referred to as \(\pi\)), the odds of success is: \[\text{odds}=\frac{p}{1-p}=\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\]
If odds > 1, it implies a success is more likely than a failure
If odds is known, the probability of success can be computed \[\pi = \dfrac{\text{odds}}{\text{odds}+1}\]
Odds ratio is the ratio of two odds:\[\widehat{OR}=\frac{odds_1}{odds_2}=\frac{{\hat{p}}_1/(1-{\hat{p}}_1)}{{\hat{p}}_2/(1-{\hat{p}}_2)}\]
Range: \([0, \infty]\)
Interpretation: The odds of success for “group 1” is “\(\widehat{OR}\)” times the odds of success for “group 2”
What do values of odds ratios mean?
Odds Ratio | Clinical Meaning |
\(\widehat{OR} < 1\) | Odds of success is smaller in group 1 than in group 2 |
\(\widehat{OR} = 1\) | Explanatory and response variables are independent |
\(\widehat{OR} > 1\) | Odds of success is greater in group 1 than in group 2 |
Values of OR farther from 1.0 in a given direction represent stronger association
We take the inverse of the OR for success of group 1 compared to group 2 to get…
Like RR, sampling distribution of the odds ratio is highly skewed
Approximate standard error for \(\ln (\widehat{OR})\): \[SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{n_{11}}\ +\frac{1}{n_{12}}+\frac{1}{n_{21}}+\frac{1}{n_{22}}}\]
95% confidence interval for \(\ln(\widehat{OR})\): \[\ln(\widehat{OR}) \pm 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}\]
\[ \bigg(\ln(\widehat{OR}) - 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}, \ \ln(\widehat{OR}) + 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}\bigg)\]
Now we need to exponentiate the CI to get back to interpretable values
95% confidence interval for RR: two ways to display equation
\[ \bigg(e^{\ln(\widehat{OR}) - 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}}, \ e^{\ln(\widehat{OR}) + 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}}\bigg)\] \[ \bigg(\exp\big(\ln(\widehat{OR}) - 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}\big), \ \exp\big(\ln(\widehat{OR}) + 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})}\big)\bigg)\]
Odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes odds ratio between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Needed steps:
Odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Odds ratio between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
\(\widehat{p}_1 = 198/532 = 0.3722\), \(\widehat{p}_2 = 128/1132 = 0.1131\) \[\widehat{OR}=\frac{\widehat{p_1}/(1-\widehat{p_1})}{\widehat{p_2}/(1-\widehat{p_2})}= \dfrac{0.3722/(1-0.3722)}{0.1131/(1-0.1131)}= 4.6499\]
Odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Odds ratio between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
\[\begin{aligned} & \ln(\widehat{OR}) \pm 1.96 \times SE_{\ln(\widehat{OR})} \\ = &\ln(\widehat{OR}) \pm z_{\left(1-\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)}^\ast \times \sqrt{\frac{1}{n_{11}}\ +\frac{1}{n_{12}}+\frac{1}{n_{21}}+\frac{1}{n_{22}}}\\ = & 1.5368 \pm 1.96\times \sqrt{\frac{1}{198}\ +\frac{1}{334}+\frac{1}{128}+\frac{1}{1004}}\\ = & (1.2824,\ 1.7913 )\end{aligned}\]
Odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Odds ratio between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
\[\begin{aligned} & (\exp(1.2824),\ \exp(1.7913 )) \\ = & (3.6053,\ 5.9971 )\end{aligned}\]
Odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Odds ratio between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
1/2/3. Compute OR and 95% confidence interval
package Outcome
Predictor 1 0
Impaired 198 334
Normal 128 1004
Outcome + Outcome - Total Inc risk *
Exposed + 198 334 532 37.218 (33.097 to 41.482)
Exposed - 128 1004 1132 11.307 (9.521 to 13.298)
Total 326 1338 1664 19.591 (17.709 to 21.581)
Point estimates and 95% CIs:
Inc risk ratio 3.291 (2.703, 4.008)
Inc odds ratio 4.650 (3.605, 5.997)
Attrib risk in the exposed * 25.911 (21.408, 30.413)
Attrib fraction in the exposed (%) 69.618 (63.004, 75.050)
Attrib risk in the population * 8.284 (5.631, 10.937)
Attrib fraction in the population (%) 42.284 (34.713, 48.976)
Uncorrected chi2 test that OR = 1: chi2(1) = 154.239 Pr>chi2 = <0.001
Fisher exact test that OR = 1: Pr>chi2 = <0.001
Wald confidence limits
CI: confidence interval
* Outcomes per 100 population units
Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
data: dat
X-squared = 152.6, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
Odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes Odds ratio between impaired and normal glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
The estimated odds of diabetes for American Indians with impaired glucose tolerance at baseline is 4.65 times the odds for American Indians with normal glucose tolerance at baseline.
Additional interpretation of 95% CI (not needed): We are 95% confident that the odds ratio is between 3.61 and 6.00.
Since the 95% confidence interval does not include 1, there is sufficient evidence that the odds of diabetes differs significantly between impaired and normal glucose tolerance at baseline.
Some clinicians may prefer interpretations of OR > 1 instead of an OR < 1
The transformation can easily be done by inverse
OR comparing group 1 to group 2 = inverse of OR comparing group 2 to group 1
\[ OR_{1v2}=\frac{{\hat{p}}_1/(1-{\hat{p}}_1)}{{\hat{p}}_2/(1-{\hat{p}}_2)}=\frac{1}{\frac{{\hat{p}}_2/(1-{\hat{p}}_2)}{{\hat{p}}_1/(1-{\hat{p}}_1)}}=\frac{1}{OR_{2v1}}\]
Inversing odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes odds ratio between normal and impaired glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Needed steps:
\[\widehat{OR}=\frac{1}{4.6499}=0.2151\] The 95% Confidence interval is then
\[ \left(\frac{1}{5.9971}, \frac{1}{3.6053}\right)\ =\ (0.1667, 0.2774)\]
Inversing odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes odds ratio between normal and impaired glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Needed steps:
Inversing odds ratio
Compute the point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the diabetes odds ratio between normal and impaired glucose tolerance.
Glucose tolerance | Diabetes | Total | |
No | Yes | ||
Impaired | 334 | 198 | 532 |
Normal | 1004 | 128 | 1132 |
Total | 1338 | 326 | 1664 |
Needed steps:
The estimated odds of diabetes for American Indians with normal glucose tolerance at baseline is 0.22 times the odds for American Indians with impaired glucose tolerance at baseline.
Additional interpretation of 95% CI (not needed): We are 95% confident that the odds ratio is between 0.17 and 0.28.
Since the 95% confidence interval does not include 1, there is sufficient evidence that the odds of diabetes differs significantly between impaired and normal glucose tolerance at baseline.
Understand the difference between testing for association and measuring association
Estimate the risk difference (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the risk ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
Estimate the odds ratio (and its confidence interval) from a contingency table and interpret the estimate.
vs. epitools
In pubh
with contingency()
In epitools
with riskratio()
or oddsratio()
Much easier to grab the numbers!
In Quarto you can take R code and directly put it in your text
{r eval="false" echo="true"} round(g$measure[2,1], 3)
to print the number 0.215Lesson 3: Measurement of Association for Contingency Tables