Lesson 13: Purposeful model selection

Nicky Wakim


Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the overall steps for purposeful selection as a model building strategy

  2. Apply purposeful selection to a dataset using R

  3. Use different approaches to assess the linear scale of continuous variables in logistic regression

Regression analysis process

Model Selection

  • Building a model

  • Selecting variables

  • Prediction vs interpretation

  • Comparing potential models

Model Fitting

  • Find best fit line

  • Using OLS in this class

  • Parameter estimation

  • Categorical covariates

  • Interactions

Model Evaluation

  • Evaluation of model fit
  • Testing model assumptions
  • Residuals
  • Transformations
  • Influential points
  • Multicollinearity

Model Use (Inference)

  • Inference for coefficients
  • Hypothesis testing for coefficients
  • Inference for expected \(Y\) given \(X\)
  • Prediction of new \(Y\) given \(X\)

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the overall steps for purposeful selection as a model building strategy
  1. Apply purposeful selection to a dataset using R

  2. Use different approaches to assess the linear scale of continuous variables in logistic regression



“Successful modeling of a complex data set is part science, part statistical methods, and part experience and common sense.”


Hosmer, Lemeshow, and Sturdivant Textbook, pg. 101

Overall Process

  1. Exploratory data analysis

  2. Check unadjusted associations in simple linear regression

  3. Enter all covariates in model that meet some threshold

    • One textbook suggest \(p<0.2\) or \(p<0.25\): great for modest sized datasets
    • PLEASE keep in mind sample size in your study
    • Can also use magnitude of association rather than, or along with, p-value
  4. Remove those that no longer reach some threshold

    • Compare magnitude of associations to unadjusted version (univariable)
  5. Check scaling of continuous and coding of categorical covariates

  6. Check for interactions

  7. Assess model fit

    • Model assumptions, diagnostics, overall fit

Process with snappier step names



Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:


Step 5:


Step 6:

Exploratory data analysis (EDA)


Simple linear regressions / analysis


Preliminary variable selection


Assess change in coefficients


Assess scale for continuous variables


Check for interactions


Assess model fit

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the overall steps for purposeful selection as a model building strategy
  1. Apply purposeful selection to a dataset using R
  1. Use different approaches to assess the linear scale of continuous variables in logistic regression

Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis

  • Things we have been doing over the quarter in class and in our project

  • I will not discuss some of the methods mentioned in our lab and data management class

    • I am only going to introduce additional exploratory functions


A few things we can do:

  • Check the data
  • Study your variables
  • Missing data?
  • Explore simple relationships and assumptions

Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Check the data

  • Get to know the potential values for the data

    • Categories

    • Units

  • Then make sure the summary of values makes sense

    • If minimum or maximum look outside appropriate range
    • For example: a negative value for a measurement that is inherently positive (like population or income)


Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Check the data

  • Look at a summary for the raw data

  • Typical use:


Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Check the data

  • Look at a summary for the raw data

  • Typical use:

  • Some skim() help

  • Note that skim(gapm) looks different because I had to create factors

  • I am breaking down the skim() function into the categorical and continuous variables only because I want to show them on the slides

skim(gapm_sub1) %>% yank("factor")

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
four_regions 0 1.00 FALSE 4 Asi: 57, Afr: 54, Eur: 49, Ame: 35
income_levels1 1 0.99 FALSE 4 Hig: 56, Upp: 55, Low: 52, Low: 31
income_levels2 1 0.99 FALSE 2 Hig: 111, Low: 83

Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Check the data

skim(gapm_sub1) %>% yank("numeric")

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
CO2emissions 4 0.98 4.55 6.10 0.03 0.64 2.41 6.22 41.20 ▇▁▁▁▁
ElectricityUsePP 58 0.70 4220.92 5964.07 31.10 699.00 2410.00 5600.00 52400.00 ▇▁▁▁▁
FoodSupplykcPPD 27 0.86 2825.06 443.59 1910.00 2490.00 2775.00 3172.50 3740.00 ▅▇▇▇▅
IncomePP 2 0.99 16704.45 19098.61 614.00 3370.00 10100.00 22700.00 129000.00 ▇▂▁▁▁
LifeExpectancyYrs 8 0.96 70.66 8.44 47.50 64.30 72.70 76.90 82.90 ▁▃▃▇▇
FemaleLiteracyRate 115 0.41 81.65 21.95 13.00 70.97 91.60 98.03 99.80 ▁▁▂▁▇
WaterSourcePrct 1 0.99 84.84 18.64 18.30 74.90 93.50 99.07 100.00 ▁▁▂▂▇
Latitude 0 1.00 19.11 23.93 -42.00 4.00 17.33 40.00 65.00 ▁▃▇▆▅
Longitude 0 1.00 21.98 66.52 -175.00 -5.75 21.00 49.27 179.14 ▁▃▇▃▂
population_mill 0 1.00 35.95 136.87 0.00 1.73 7.57 24.50 1370.00 ▇▁▁▁▁

Poll Everywhere Question 1

Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Study your variables

  • Started this a little bit in previous slide (skim()), but you may want to look at things like:

    • Sample size
    • Counts of missing data
    • Means and standard deviations
    • IQRs
    • Medians
    • Minimums and maximums
  • Can also look at visuals

    • Continuous variables: histograms (in `skimr() a little)
    • Categorical variables: frequency plots

Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Study your variables

hist.data.frame(gapm %>% select(-Longitude, -Latitude, -eight_regions, -six_regions, -geo, -`World bank, 4 income groups 2017`, -country, -population, -`World bank region`, -ElectricityUsePP))

Poll Everywhere Question 2

Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis: Missing data

  • Why are there missing data?
  • Which variables and observations should be excluded because of missing data?
  • Will I impute missing data?


  • Unfortunately, we don’t have time to discuss missing data more thoroughly
  • I will try to cover this topic more thoroughly in BSTA 513


  • For the Gapminder dataset, we chose to use complete cases

Pre-step / Step 1 : Explore simple relationships and assumptions

gapm2 %>% ggpairs() # gapm2 is a new dataset with some variables selected

Poll Everywhere Question 3

Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

  • For each covariate, we want to see how it relates to the outcome (without adjusting for other covariates)

  • We can partially do this with visualizations

    • Helps us see the data we throw it into regression that makes assumptions (like our LINE assumptions)

    • ggpairs() can be a quick way to do it

    • ggplot() can make each plot

      • + geom_boxplot() to make boxplots by groups for categorical covariates
      • + geom_jitter() + stat_summary() to make non-overlaping points with group means for categorical covariates
      • + geom_point() to make scatterplots for continuous covariates
  • We need to run simple linear regression

    • We’re calling regression with multi-level categories “simple” even though there are multiple coefficients

Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

  • Let’s think back to our Gapminder dataset

  • Always good to start with our main relationship: life expectancy vs. female literacy rate

    • Throwback to Lesson 3 SLR when we first visualized and ran lm() for this relationship
model_FLR = lm(LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate, data = gapm_sub)


term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 51.438 2.739 18.782 0.000
FemaleLiteracyRate 0.230 0.032 7.141 0.000

Poll Everywhere Question 4

Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

  • Let’s do this with one other variable before I show you a streamlined version of SLR
model_WR = lm(LifeExpectancyYrs ~ four_regions, data = gapm_sub)


ggplot(gapm_sub, aes(x = four_regions, y = LifeExpectancyYrs)) +
  geom_jitter(size = 1, alpha = .6, width = 0.2) +
  stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", size = 8, shape = 18) +
  labs(x = "World region", 
       y = "Country life expectancy (years)",
       title = "Life expectancy vs. world region",
       caption = "Diamonds = region averages") +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 20), 
        axis.text = element_text(size = 20), 
        title = element_text(size = 20))

anova(model_WR) %>% tidy() %>% gt() %>%
   tab_options(table.font.size = 40) %>%
   fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term df sumsq meansq statistic p.value
four_regions 3.000 2,743.042 914.347 33.680 0.000
Residuals 68.000 1,846.077 27.148 NA NA


  • Recall from Lesson 5 (SLR: More inference + Evaluation):

    • anova() with one model name will compare the model (model_WR) to the intercept model

Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

  • If we do a good job visualizing the relationship between our outcome and each covariate, then we can proceed to a streamlined version of the F-test for each relationship

  • First, I will select the variables that we are considering for model selection:

gapm2 = gapm_sub %>% select(LifeExpectancyYrs, CO2emissions, FoodSupplykcPPD, 
                            IncomePP, FemaleLiteracyRate, WaterSourcePrct, 
                            four_regions, members_oecd_g77)
  • We need to make sure our dataset only contains the variables we are considering for the model:
gapm3 = gapm2 %>% select(-LifeExpectancyYrs)

Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

  • Now I can run the lapply() function, which allows me to run the same function multiple times over all the columns in gapm3

  • For each covariate I am running: lm(gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs ~ x) %>% anova()

    • So I am fitting the simple linear regression and printing the ANOVA table with F-test (comparing model with a without the covariate)
lapply( gapm3, function(x) lm(gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs ~ x) %>% anova() )
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
x          1  452.3  452.31  7.6536 0.007241 **
Residuals 70 4136.8   59.10                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
x          1 1893.4 1893.44  49.168 1.188e-09 ***
Residuals 70 2695.7   38.51                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
x          1 1220.3 1220.34  25.358 3.557e-06 ***
Residuals 70 3368.8   48.13                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
x          1 1934.2 1934.24  50.999 6.895e-10 ***
Residuals 70 2654.9   37.93                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
x          1 2988.2 2988.20  130.66 < 2.2e-16 ***
Residuals 70 1600.9   22.87                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
x          3 2743.0  914.35   33.68 1.858e-13 ***
Residuals 68 1846.1   27.15                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
x          2 1103.7  551.85  10.925 7.553e-05 ***
Residuals 69 3485.4   50.51                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • We can scroll through the output to see the ANOVA table for each covariate

Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

  • We can also filter the ANOVA table to just show the p-value for each F-test
sapply( gapm3, function(x) anova( lm(gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs ~ x) )$`Pr(>F)` )
     CO2emissions FoodSupplykcPPD     IncomePP FemaleLiteracyRate
[1,]  0.007241207    1.187753e-09 3.557341e-06       6.894997e-10
[2,]           NA              NA           NA                 NA
     WaterSourcePrct four_regions members_oecd_g77
[1,]    1.148644e-17 1.857818e-13      7.55261e-05
[2,]              NA           NA               NA
  • Row 1 is the p-value for the F-test

    • This will help us in Step 2

Step 2: Preliminary variable selection

  • Identify candidates for your first multivariable model by performing an F-test on each covariate’s SLR

    • Using p-values from previous slide
    • If the p-value of the test is less than 0.25, then consider the variable a candidate


  • Candidates for first multivariable model

    • All clinically important variables (regardless of p-value)
    • Variables with univariate test with p-value < 0.25


  • With more experience, you won’t need to rely on these strict rules as much

Step 2: Preliminary variable selection

  • From the previous p-values from the F-test on each covariate’s SLR

    • Decision: we keep all the covariates since they all have a p-value < 0.25
sapply( gapm3, function(x) anova( lm(gapm2$LifeExpectancyYrs ~ x) )$`Pr(>F)` )
     CO2emissions FoodSupplykcPPD     IncomePP FemaleLiteracyRate
[1,]  0.007241207    1.187753e-09 3.557341e-06       6.894997e-10
[2,]           NA              NA           NA                 NA
     WaterSourcePrct four_regions members_oecd_g77
[1,]    1.148644e-17 1.857818e-13      7.55261e-05
[2,]              NA           NA               NA

Step 2: Preliminary variable selection

  • Fit an initial model including any independent variable with p-value < 0.25 and clinically important variables
init_model = lm(LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP +
               four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77, 
                 data = gapm2)
tidy(init_model, conf.int = T) %>% gt() %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 30) %>% 
  fmt_number(decimals = 4)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) 37.5560 4.4083 8.5194 0.0000 28.7410 46.3710
FemaleLiteracyRate 0.0020 0.0352 0.0580 0.9539 −0.0684 0.0725
CO2emissions −0.2860 0.1340 −2.1344 0.0368 −0.5539 −0.0181
IncomePP 0.0002 0.0001 2.4133 0.0188 0.0000 0.0003
four_regionsAmericas 9.8963 2.0031 4.9405 0.0000 5.8909 13.9017
four_regionsAsia 5.7849 1.5993 3.6172 0.0006 2.5870 8.9829
four_regionsEurope 7.1421 2.6994 2.6458 0.0104 1.7442 12.5399
WaterSourcePrct 0.1377 0.0658 2.0928 0.0405 0.0061 0.2693
FoodSupplykcPPD 0.0052 0.0021 2.4961 0.0153 0.0010 0.0093
members_oecd_g77oecd −0.3317 2.5476 −0.1302 0.8968 −5.4259 4.7625
members_oecd_g77others 0.3341 2.2986 0.1453 0.8849 −4.2622 4.9304

Step 3: Assess change in coefficient

  • This is where we start identifying covariates that we might remove


  • I would start by using the p-value to guide me towards specific variables

    • Female literacy rate, but that’s our main covariate
    • members_oecd_g77
    • Maybe water source percent?


  • Some people will say you can use the p-value alone

    • I like to double check that those variables do not have a large effect on the other coefficients
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 37.5560 4.4083 8.5194 0.0000
FemaleLiteracyRate 0.0020 0.0352 0.0580 0.9539
CO2emissions −0.2860 0.1340 −2.1344 0.0368
IncomePP 0.0002 0.0001 2.4133 0.0188
four_regionsAmericas 9.8963 2.0031 4.9405 0.0000
four_regionsAsia 5.7849 1.5993 3.6172 0.0006
four_regionsEurope 7.1421 2.6994 2.6458 0.0104
WaterSourcePrct 0.1377 0.0658 2.0928 0.0405
FoodSupplykcPPD 0.0052 0.0021 2.4961 0.0153
members_oecd_g77oecd −0.3317 2.5476 −0.1302 0.8968
members_oecd_g77others 0.3341 2.2986 0.1453 0.8849

Step 3: Assess change in coefficient

  • Very similar to the process we used when looking at confounders


  • One variable at a time, we run the multivariable model with and without the variable

    • We look at the p-value of the F-test for the coefficients of said variable
    • We look at the percent change for the coefficient (\(\Delta\%\)) of our explanatory variable


  • General rule: We can remove a variable if…

    • p-value > 0.05 for the F-test of its own coefficients
    • AND change in coefficient (\(\Delta\%\)) of our explanatory variable is < 10%

Step 3: Assess change in coefficient

  • Let’s try this out on members_oecd_g77
Display the ANOVA table with F-statistic and p-value
model_full = init_model
model_red = lm(LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP +
               four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD, 
                 data = gapm2)
anova(model_full, model_red) %>% tidy() %>% 
  gt() %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>% fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term df.residual rss df sumsq statistic p.value
LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP + four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 61.000 999.201 NA NA NA NA
LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP + four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD 63.000 1,000.988 −2.000 −1.787 0.055 0.947
  • \(\widehat\beta_{FLR, full} = 0.002\), \(\widehat\beta_{FLR, red} = 0.0036\)

\[ \Delta\% = 100\% \cdot \frac{\widehat\beta_{FLR, full} - \widehat\beta_{FLR, red}}{\widehat\beta_{FLR, full}} = 100\% \cdot \frac{0.002 - 0.0036}{0.002} = -74.41\% \]

  • Based off the percent change, I would keep this in the model

Step 3: Assess change in coefficient

  • Let’s try this out on water source percent (even though the p-value was < 0.05)
Display the ANOVA table with F-statistic and p-value
model_full = init_model
model_red = lm(LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP +
               four_regions + members_oecd_g77 + FoodSupplykcPPD, 
                 data = gapm2)
anova(model_full, model_red) %>% tidy() %>% 
  gt() %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>% fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term df.residual rss df sumsq statistic p.value
LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP + four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 61.000 999.201 NA NA NA NA
LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2emissions + IncomePP + four_regions + members_oecd_g77 + FoodSupplykcPPD 62.000 1,070.944 −1.000 −71.744 4.380 0.041
  • \(\widehat\beta_{FLR, full} = 0.002\), \(\widehat\beta_{FLR, red} = 0.034\)

\[ \Delta\% = 100\% \cdot \frac{\widehat\beta_{FLR, full} - \widehat\beta_{FLR, red}}{\widehat\beta_{FLR, full}} = 100\% \cdot \frac{0.002 - 0.034}{0.002} = -1561.06\% \]

  • Based off the percent change (and p-value), I would keep this in the model

Poll Everywhere Question 5

Step 3: Assess change in coefficient

  • At the end of this step, we have a preliminary main effects model

  • Where the variables are excluded that met the following criteria:

    • P-value > 0.05 for the F-test of its own coefficients
    • Change in coefficient (\(\Delta\%\)) of our explanatory variable is < 10%
  • In our example, the preliminary main effects model (end of Step 3) was the same as the initial model (end of Step 2)

  • Preliminary main effects model includes:

    • FemaleLiteracyRate
    • CO2emissions
    • IncomePP
    • four_regions
    • members_oecd_g77
    • FoodSupplykcPPD
    • WaterSupplePct

Recap of Steps 1-3

  • Pre-step: Exploratory data analysis

  • Step 1: Simple linear regressions / analysis

    • Look at each covariate with outcome

    • Perform SLR for each covariate

  • Step 2: Preliminary variable selection

    • From SLR, decide which variables go into the initial model

    • Use F-test to see if each covariate (on its own) explains enough variation in outcome

    • End with initial model

  • Step 3: Assess change in coefficients

    • From the initial model at end of step 2, we take a variable out of the model if:

      • P-value > 0.05 for the F-test of its own coefficients

      • Change in coefficient (\(\Delta\%\)) of our explanatory variable is < 10%

    • End with preliminary main effects model

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the overall steps for purposeful selection as a model building strategy

  2. Apply purposeful selection to a dataset using R

  1. Use different approaches to assess the linear scale of continuous variables in logistic regression

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables

  • We assume the linear regression model is linear for each continuous variable

  • We need to assess linearity for continuous variables in the model

    • Do this through smoothed scatterplots that we introduced in Lesson 6 (SLR Diagnostics)
    • Residual plots (can be used in SLR) does not help us in MLR
    • Each term in MLR model needs to have linearity with outcome
  • Three methods/approaches to address the violation of linearity assumption:

    • Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable
    • Approach 2: Fractional Polynomials
    • Approach 3: Spline functions
  • Approach will depend on the covariate!!

  • For our class, only implement Approach 1 or 2

  • Model at the end of Step 4 is the main effects model

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables: Smoothed scatterplots

  • Smoother scatterplots only check linearity, not addressing linearity issues


  • Can also identify extreme observations

    • Again, just want to flag these values

    • Can influence the assessment of linearity when using fractional polynomials or spline functions


  • Helps us decide if the continuous variable can stay as is in the model

    • Problem: if not linear, then we need to represent the variable in a new way (Approaches 1-3)

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables: Smoothed scatterplots

  • In Gapminder dataset, we have 5 continuous variables:

    • CO2 Emissions
    • Food Supply
    • Income
    • Female Literacy Rate
    • Water source percent
  • Plot each of these agains the outcome, life expectancy

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables: Smoothed scatterplots

We can quickly look at ggpairs() to identify variables
gapm2 %>% select(where(is.numeric)) %>% 
  relocate(LifeExpectancyYrs, .after = last_col()) %>% ggpairs()

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables: Smoothed scatterplots

Take a look at C02, Food Supply, and Income
CO2 = ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = CO2emissions)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(se=F) + labs(x = "CO2 Emissions (kt)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)")

FS = ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = FoodSupplykcPPD)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(se=F) + labs(x = "Food Supply (kcal PPD)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)")

Income = ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = IncomePP)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(se=F) + labs(x = "Income (GDP per capita)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)")

grid.arrange(CO2, FS, Income, nrow=1)
  • Food Supply looks admissible
  • CO2 Emissions and Income do not look very linear, but I want to zoom into the area of the plots that have most of the data

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables: Smoothed scatterplots

Zoom into areas on plots with more data
CO2 = ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = CO2emissions)) + 
  geom_point() + xlim(0,10) +
  geom_smooth(se=F) + labs(x = "CO2 Emissions (kt)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)")

FS = ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = FoodSupplykcPPD)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(se=F) + labs(x = "Food Supply (kcal PPD)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)")

Income = ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = IncomePP)) + 
  geom_point() + xlim(0,40000) +
  geom_smooth(se=F) + labs(x = "Income (GDP per capita)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)")

grid.arrange(CO2, FS, Income, nrow=1)
  • Food Supply still looks admissible
  • CO2 Emissions and Income not linear: will address this!!

Step 4: Assess scale for continuous variables

  • Three methods/approaches to address the violation of linearity assumption:


    • Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable


    • Approach 2: Fractional Polynomials


    • Approach 3: Spline functions

Step 4: Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable

  • Categorize continuous variables

    • Percentiles, quartiles, quantiles

      • Create indicator variables corresponding to each quartile
    • Meaningful thresholds

  • Disadvantages:

    • Takes some time to create new variables, especially with multiple continuous covariates

    • Start with quartiles, but might be more appropriate to use different splits

      • No set rules on this
  • Advantage: graphical and visually helps

Step 4: Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable


  • Experts in the field have developed these income groups

    • I think this is best solution for income (that was not meeting linearity as a continuous variable)

Step 4: Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable

  • Let’s still try it out with CO2 Emissions (kt)

  • I have plotted the quartile lines of food supply with red lines

Take a look at the quartiles within the scatterplot
vline_coordinates= data.frame(Quantile_Name=names(quantile(gapm2$CO2emissions)),

ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = CO2emissions)) + 
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  #geom_smooth(se=F) + 
  labs(x = "CO2 Emissions (kt)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)") +
  geom_vline(data = vline_coordinates, aes(xintercept = quantile_values), 
             color = "red", linetype = "dashed", size = 2) +
    theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 25), 
        axis.text = element_text(size = 25), 
        title = element_text(size = 25))

Step 4: Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable

  • Let’s make the quartiles for CO2 emissions:
gapm2 = gapm2 %>% 
  mutate(CO2_q = quant_groups(CO2emissions, groups = 4) %>% factor())
Take a look at the quartile means within the scatterplot
ggplot(data = gapm2, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = CO2_q)) + 
  # geom_point(size = 3, aes(y = LifeExpectancyYrs, x = CO2emissions)) +
  stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", size = 8, shape = 18) +
  #geom_smooth(se=F) + 
  labs(x = "CO2 Emissions (kt)", y = "Life Expectancy (yrs)") +
    theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 25), 
        axis.text = element_text(size = 25), 
        title = element_text(size = 25))

Step 4: Approach 1: Categorize continuous variable


  • Let’s fit a new model with the two new representations for income and CO2 emissions


  • Remember, this is the main effects model if we decide to make CO2 into quartiles
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 39.877 4.889 8.157 0.000
FemaleLiteracyRate −0.073 0.047 −1.555 0.125
CO2_q(0.806,2.54] 1.099 1.914 0.574 0.568
CO2_q(2.54,4.66] −0.292 2.419 −0.121 0.904
CO2_q(4.66,35.2] −0.595 2.524 −0.236 0.814
income_levels1Lower middle income 5.441 2.343 2.322 0.024
income_levels1Upper middle income 6.111 2.954 2.069 0.043
income_levels1High income 7.959 3.277 2.429 0.018
four_regionsAmericas 9.003 2.050 4.391 0.000
four_regionsAsia 5.260 1.637 3.213 0.002
four_regionsEurope 6.855 2.871 2.387 0.020
WaterSourcePrct 0.166 0.066 2.496 0.015
FoodSupplykcPPD 0.004 0.002 1.825 0.073
members_oecd_g77oecd 1.119 2.674 0.418 0.677
members_oecd_g77others 1.047 2.511 0.417 0.678

Step 4: Approach 2: Fractional Polynomials


  • Recall Tukey’s transformation (power) ladder

    • And can use R’s gladder() to see the transformations
Power p -3 -2 -1 -1/2 0 1/2 1 2 3
\(\frac{1}{x^3}\) \(\frac{1}{x^2}\) \(\frac{1}{x}\) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}\) \(\log(x)\) \(\sqrt{x}\) \(x\) \(x^2\) \(x^3\)


  • We can run through each and test different models, or use the approach from Lesson 7

  • There is also a package we can use!

Step 4: Approach 2: Fractional Polynomials


fp_model_CO2 = mfp(LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + 
                     fp(CO2emissions, df = 4) + income_levels1 + four_regions +
                     WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77,
               data = gapm2, family = "gaussian")

fp_model_CO2$fptable %>% gt(rownames_to_stub = T) %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 24)
df.initial select alpha df.final power1 power2
four_regionsAmericas 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
four_regionsAsia 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
four_regionsEurope 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
WaterSourcePrct 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
income_levels1Lower middle income 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
income_levels1Upper middle income 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
income_levels1High income 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
FoodSupplykcPPD 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
FemaleLiteracyRate 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
CO2emissions 4 1 0.05 1 1 .
members_oecd_g77oecd 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
members_oecd_g77others 1 1 0.05 1 1 .

Step 4: Approach 2: Fractional Polynomials

df.initial select alpha df.final power1 power2
four_regionsAmericas 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
four_regionsAsia 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
four_regionsEurope 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
WaterSourcePrct 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
income_levels1Lower middle income 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
income_levels1Upper middle income 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
income_levels1High income 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
FoodSupplykcPPD 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
FemaleLiteracyRate 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
CO2emissions 4 1 0.05 1 1 .
members_oecd_g77oecd 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
members_oecd_g77others 1 1 0.05 1 1 .
  • Conclusion from fractional polynomial is that CO2 does not need to be transformed

  • A little counter-intuitive to what we saw in quartiles

  • Thus, I think leaving CO2 emissions as quartiles is best!

Step 4: Approach 3: Spline functions

  • Spline function is to fit a series of smooth curves that joined at specific points (called knots)

Step 4: Approach 3: Spline functions

  • Need to specify knots for spline functions

    • More knots are flexible, but requires more parameters to estimate
    • In most applications three to five knots are sufficient


  • Within our class, fractional polynomials will be sufficient


  • If you think this is cool, I highly suggest you look into Functional Data Analysis (FDA) or Functional Regression

    • Jeffrey Morris is a big name in that field


Step 4 Conclusion: main effects model

  • We concluded that we will use:

    • Income levels (categorical) that Gapminder created
    • Quartiles for CO2 Emissions
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 39.877 4.889 8.157 0.000
FemaleLiteracyRate −0.073 0.047 −1.555 0.125
CO2_q(0.806,2.54] 1.099 1.914 0.574 0.568
CO2_q(2.54,4.66] −0.292 2.419 −0.121 0.904
CO2_q(4.66,35.2] −0.595 2.524 −0.236 0.814
income_levels1Lower middle income 5.441 2.343 2.322 0.024
income_levels1Upper middle income 6.111 2.954 2.069 0.043
income_levels1High income 7.959 3.277 2.429 0.018
four_regionsAmericas 9.003 2.050 4.391 0.000
four_regionsAsia 5.260 1.637 3.213 0.002
four_regionsEurope 6.855 2.871 2.387 0.020
WaterSourcePrct 0.166 0.066 2.496 0.015
FoodSupplykcPPD 0.004 0.002 1.825 0.073
members_oecd_g77oecd 1.119 2.674 0.418 0.677
members_oecd_g77others 1.047 2.511 0.417 0.678

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the overall steps for purposeful selection as a model building strategy
  1. Apply purposeful selection to a dataset using R
  1. Use different approaches to assess the linear scale of continuous variables in logistic regression

Step 5: Check for interactions

  • Create a list of interaction terms from variables in the “main effects model” that has clinical plausibility


  • Add the interaction variables, one at a time, to the main effects model, and assess the significance using a likelihood ratio test or Wald test

    • May keep interaction terms with p-value < 0.10 (or 0.05)


  • Keep the main effects untouched, only simplify the interaction terms


  • Use methods from Step 2 (comparing model with all interactions to a smaller model with interactions) to determine which interactions to keep


  • The model by the end of Step 5 is called the preliminary final model

Step 5: Check for interactions

vars = names(model.frame(main_eff_model))[-1] 

interactions = combn(vars, 2, function(x) paste(x, collapse=" * ")) %>% 
    grep(., pattern = "FemaleLiteracyRate", value = T) 
MLRs = lapply(interactions, function(int)
  lm(reformulate(c(vars, int), "LifeExpectancyYrs"), data = gapm2))

Step 5: Check for interactions

MLRs[[1]] %>% tidy() %>% gt() %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = 33) %>%
  fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 37.326 5.463 6.833 0.000
FemaleLiteracyRate −0.035 0.058 −0.602 0.550
CO2_q(0.806,2.54] 9.049 7.248 1.249 0.217
CO2_q(2.54,4.66] 7.843 16.082 0.488 0.628
CO2_q(4.66,35.2] −5.980 25.867 −0.231 0.818
income_levels1Lower middle income 4.032 2.661 1.515 0.136
income_levels1Upper middle income 4.997 3.239 1.543 0.129
income_levels1High income 6.825 3.549 1.923 0.060
four_regionsAmericas 9.317 2.193 4.250 0.000
four_regionsAsia 5.412 1.668 3.246 0.002
four_regionsEurope 7.267 2.992 2.429 0.018
WaterSourcePrct 0.178 0.070 2.529 0.014
FoodSupplykcPPD 0.004 0.002 1.706 0.094
members_oecd_g77oecd 0.798 2.731 0.292 0.771
members_oecd_g77others 1.121 2.588 0.433 0.667
FemaleLiteracyRate:CO2_q(0.806,2.54] −0.104 0.091 −1.144 0.258
FemaleLiteracyRate:CO2_q(2.54,4.66] −0.104 0.177 −0.590 0.557
FemaleLiteracyRate:CO2_q(4.66,35.2] 0.038 0.268 0.141 0.889

Step 5: Check for interactions

You can alse go straight to using the anova() function to compare the preliminary model.

anova_res = lapply(interactions,
            function(int) anova(lm(reformulate(c(vars, int), "LifeExpectancyYrs"),
                                    data = gapm2), main_eff_model)) 
anova_res[[1]] %>% tidy() %>% 
  gt() %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>% fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term df.residual rss df sumsq statistic p.value
LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + FemaleLiteracyRate * CO2_q 54.000 919.287 NA NA NA NA
LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 57.000 946.458 −3.000 −27.171 0.532 0.662

Step 5: Check for interactions

  • I went through all the ANOVA tables, and found the following significant interactions:

    • None!
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + 
    FemaleLiteracyRate * CO2_q
Model 2: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq     F Pr(>F)
1     54 919.29                          
2     57 946.46 -3   -27.171 0.532 0.6623

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + 
    FemaleLiteracyRate * income_levels1
Model 2: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     54 933.66                           
2     57 946.46 -3   -12.802 0.2468 0.8633

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + 
    FemaleLiteracyRate * four_regions
Model 2: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     54 850.47                           
2     57 946.46 -3   -95.987 2.0315 0.1203

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + 
    FemaleLiteracyRate * WaterSourcePrct
Model 2: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     56 943.42                           
2     57 946.46 -1   -3.0399 0.1804 0.6726

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + 
    FemaleLiteracyRate * FoodSupplykcPPD
Model 2: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     56 915.40                           
2     57 946.46 -1   -31.063 1.9003 0.1735

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77 + 
    FemaleLiteracyRate * members_oecd_g77
Model 2: LifeExpectancyYrs ~ FemaleLiteracyRate + CO2_q + income_levels1 + 
    four_regions + WaterSourcePrct + FoodSupplykcPPD + members_oecd_g77
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     55 934.95                           
2     57 946.46 -2   -11.513 0.3386 0.7142


  • Think about it: does that track with what we saw in our interactions lecture?

Step 6: Assess model fit

  • Assess the adequacy of the model and check its fit


  • Methods will be discussed next class

    • Combination of diagnostics and model fit statistics!

    • Look at model fit statistics in this lesson

    • Look at diagnostics in Lesson 14: MLR Diagnostics


  • If the model is adequate and fits well, then it is the Final model

Step 6: Assess model fit

  • Our final model contains

    • Female Literacy Rate FLR

    • CO2 Emissions in quartiles CO2_q

    • Income levels in groups assigned by Gapminder income_levels

    • World regions four_regions

    • Membership of global and economic groups members_oecd_g77

      • OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
      • G77: Group of 77
      • Other
    • Food Supply FoodSupplykcPPD

    • Clean Water Supply WaterSupplePct

Step 6: Assess model fit: Model fit statistics

  • Way I did it in the lab instructions
sum_fm = summary(final_model)
model_fit_stats = data.frame(Model = "Final model", 
                             Adjusted_R_sq = sum_fm$adj.r.squared, 
                             AIC = AIC(final_model), BIC = BIC(final_model))

model_fit_stats %>% gt() %>% 
  tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>% fmt_number(decimals = 3)
Model Adjusted_R_sq AIC BIC
Final model 0.743 421.804 458.230
  • Another (maybe faster?) way to do it (glance() in broom package)
glance(final_model) %>% mutate(Model = "Final model") %>%
  select(Model, adj.r.squared, AIC, BIC) %>% gt() %>% 
  tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>% fmt_number(decimals = 3)
Model adj.r.squared AIC BIC
Final model 0.743 421.804 458.230

Step 6: Assess model fit: Comparing model fits

  • Remember the preliminary main effects model (at end of Step 3): same as final model but the continuous varaibles, income and CO2 emissions, were not categorized

  • We can compare model fit statistics of the preliminary main effects model and the final model

fm_glance = glance(final_model) %>% mutate(Model = "Final model") %>%
  select(Model, `Adj R-squared` = adj.r.squared, AIC, BIC) 
pmem_glance = glance(prelim_me_model) %>% 
  mutate(Model = "Preliminary main effects model") %>%
  select(Model, `Adj R-squared` = adj.r.squared, AIC, BIC) 
rbind(fm_glance, pmem_glance) %>% gt() %>% 
  tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>% fmt_number(decimals = 3)
Model Adj R-squared AIC BIC
Final model 0.743 421.804 458.230
Preliminary main effects model 0.747 417.708 445.028
  • Remember, adjusted \(R^2\), AIC, and BIC penalize models for more coefficients

  • Preliminary main effects model: better fit statistics, but violates linearity assumption