Lesson 14: MLR Model Diagnostics

Nicky Wakim


Learning Objectives

  1. Apply tools from SLR (Lesson 6: SLR Diagnostics) in MLR to evaluate LINE assumptions, including residual plots and QQ-plots

  2. Apply tools involving standardized residuals, leverage, and Cook’s distance from SLR (Lesson 7: SLR Diagnostics 2) in MLR to flag potentially influential points

  3. Use Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and it’s general form to detect and correct multicollinearity

Regression analysis process

Model Selection

  • Building a model

  • Selecting variables

  • Prediction vs interpretation

  • Comparing potential models

Model Fitting

  • Find best fit line

  • Using OLS in this class

  • Parameter estimation

  • Categorical covariates

  • Interactions

Model Evaluation

  • Evaluation of model fit
  • Testing model assumptions
  • Residuals
  • Transformations
  • Influential points
  • Multicollinearity

Model Use (Inference)

  • Inference for coefficients
  • Hypothesis testing for coefficients
  • Inference for expected \(Y\) given \(X\)
  • Prediction of new \(Y\) given \(X\)

Let’s remind ourselves of the final model

  • Our final model contains

    • Female Literacy Rate FLR
    • CO2 Emissions in quartiles CO2_q
    • Income levels in groups assigned by Gapminder income_levels1
    • World regions four_regions
    • Membership of global and economic groups members_oecd_g77
    • Food Supply FoodSupplykcPPD
    • Clean Water Supply WaterSupplePct
Display regression table for final model
tidy(final_model) %>% gt() %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 32) %>%  
  fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 39.877 4.889 8.157 0.000
FemaleLiteracyRate −0.073 0.047 −1.555 0.125
CO2_q(0.806,2.54] 1.099 1.914 0.574 0.568
CO2_q(2.54,4.66] −0.292 2.419 −0.121 0.904
CO2_q(4.66,35.2] −0.595 2.524 −0.236 0.814
income_levels1Lower middle income 5.441 2.343 2.322 0.024
income_levels1Upper middle income 6.111 2.954 2.069 0.043
income_levels1High income 7.959 3.277 2.429 0.018
four_regionsAmericas 9.003 2.050 4.391 0.000
four_regionsAsia 5.260 1.637 3.213 0.002
four_regionsEurope 6.855 2.871 2.387 0.020
WaterSourcePrct 0.166 0.066 2.496 0.015
FoodSupplykcPPD 0.004 0.002 1.825 0.073
members_oecd_g77oecd 1.119 2.674 0.418 0.677
members_oecd_g77others 1.047 2.511 0.417 0.678

It’s a lot to visualize

  • Part of the reason why we discussed model diagnostics in SLR was so that we could have accompanying visuals to help us understand


  • With 7 variables in out final model, it is hard to visualize outliers and influential points


  • I highly encourage you revisit Lesson 6 and 7 (SLR Diagnostics) to help understand these notes

Remember our friend augment()?

  • Run final_model through augment() (final_model is input)

    • So we assigned final_model as the output of the lm() function
  • Will give us values about each observation in the context of the fitted regression model

    • cook’s distance (.cooksd), fitted value (.fitted, \(\widehat{Y}_i\)), leverage (.hat), residual (.resid), standardized residuals (.std.resid)
aug = augment(final_model)
head(aug) %>% relocate(.fitted, .resid, .std.resid, .hat, .cooksd, .after = LifeExpectancyYrs)
# A tibble: 6 × 14
  LifeExpectancyYrs .fitted .resid .std.resid  .hat  .cooksd FemaleLiteracyRate
              <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>              <dbl>
1              56.7    61.5 -4.78      -1.43  0.327 0.0663                 13  
2              76.7    75.3  1.38       0.387 0.227 0.00293                95.7
3              60.9    58.6  2.30       0.684 0.320 0.0147                 58.6
4              76.9    74.7  2.21       0.620 0.238 0.00799                99.4
5              76      76.9 -0.879     -0.233 0.145 0.000614               97.9
6              73.8    74.6 -0.796     -0.214 0.168 0.000618               99.5
# ℹ 7 more variables: CO2_q <fct>, income_levels1 <fct>, four_regions <fct>,
#   WaterSourcePrct <dbl>, FoodSupplykcPPD <dbl>, members_oecd_g77 <chr>,
#   .sigma <dbl>

RDocumentation on the augment() function.

Learning Objectives

  1. Apply tools from SLR (Lesson 6: SLR Diagnostics) in MLR to evaluate LINE assumptions, including residual plots and QQ-plots
  1. Apply tools involving standardized residuals, leverage, and Cook’s distance from SLR (Lesson 7: SLR Diagnostics 2) in MLR to flag potentially influential points

  2. Use Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and it’s general form to detect and correct multicollinearity

Summary of the assumptions and their diagnostic tool

Assumption What needs to hold? Diagnostic tool



  • Relationship between each \(X\) and \(Y\) is linear
  • Scatterplot of \(Y\) vs. \(X\)




  • Observations are independent from each other
  • Study design


  • Residuals (and thus \(Y|X_1, X_2, ..., X_p\))

    are normally distributed

  • QQ plot of residuals

  • Distribution of residuals

Equality of variance
  • Variance of residuals (and thus \(Y|X_1, X_2, ..., X_p\))

    is same across fitted values (homoscedasticity)

  • Residual plot


autoplot() to examine equality of variance and Normality

autoplot(final_model) + theme(text=element_text(size=20))

autoplot() to examine equality of variance and Normality

autoplot(final_model) + theme(text=element_text(size=20))

Looks like 3 obs are flagged:

  • 17: Cote d’Ivoire
  • 59: South Africa
  • 61: Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland in 2011)

Without them, QQ-plot and residual plot look good

  • Points on QQ-plot are close to identity line
  • Residuals have pretty consistent spread across fitted values

But don’t take them out!!!

  • Instead, discuss what may be missing in our regression model that is not capturing the characteristics of these countries

Poll Everywhere Question 1

Learning Objectives

  1. Apply tools from SLR (Lesson 6: SLR Diagnostics) in MLR to evaluate LINE assumptions, including residual plots and QQ-plots
  1. Apply tools involving standardized residuals, leverage, and Cook’s distance from SLR (Lesson 7: SLR Diagnostics 2) in MLR to flag potentially influential points
  1. Use Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and it’s general form to detect and correct multicollinearity

Identifying outliers

Internally standardized residual

\[ r_i = \frac{\widehat\epsilon_i}{\sqrt{\widehat\sigma^2(1-h_{ii})}} \]

  • We flag an observation if the standardized residual is “large”

    • Different sources will define “large” differently

    • PennState site uses \(|r_i| > 3\)

    • autoplot() shows the 3 observations with the highest standardized residuals

    • Other sources use \(|r_i| > 2\), which is a little more conservative


ggplot(data = aug) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(x = .std.resid))

Countries that are outliers (\(|r_i| > 2\))

  • We can identify the countries that are outliers
aug %>% relocate(.std.resid, .after = country) %>%
  filter(abs(.std.resid) > 2) %>% arrange(desc(abs(.std.resid)))
# A tibble: 6 × 15
  country   .std.resid LifeExpectancyYrs FemaleLiteracyRate CO2_q income_levels1
  <chr>          <dbl>             <dbl>              <dbl> <fct> <fct>         
1 Swaziland      -2.96              48.9               87.3 (0.8… Lower middle …
2 South Af…      -2.45              55.8               92.2 (4.6… Upper middle …
3 Cote d'I…      -2.28              56.9               47.6 [0.0… Lower middle …
4 Cape Ver…       2.07              72.7               80.3 (0.8… Lower middle …
5 Sudan           2.05              66.5               63.2 [0.0… Lower middle …
6 Vanuatu        -2.04              63.2               81.5 [0.0… Lower middle …
# ℹ 9 more variables: four_regions <fct>, WaterSourcePrct <dbl>,
#   FoodSupplykcPPD <dbl>, members_oecd_g77 <chr>, .fitted <dbl>, .resid <dbl>,
#   .hat <dbl>, .sigma <dbl>, .cooksd <dbl>

Leverage \(h_i\)

  • Values of leverage are: \(0 \leq h_i \leq 1\)

  • We flag an observation if the leverage is “high”

    • Only good for SLR: Some textbooks use \(h_i > 4/n\) where \(n\) = sample size

    • Only good for SLR: Some people suggest \(h_i > 6/n\)

    • Works for MLR: \(h_i > 3p/n\) where \(p\) = number of regression coefficients

aug = aug %>% relocate(.hat, .after = FemaleLiteracyRate)
aug %>% arrange(desc(.hat))
# A tibble: 72 × 15
   country       LifeExpectancyYrs FemaleLiteracyRate  .hat CO2_q income_levels1
   <chr>                     <dbl>              <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct>         
 1 Mexico                     75.8               92.3 0.445 (2.5… Upper middle …
 2 Tajikistan                 69.9               99.6 0.425 [0.0… Lower middle …
 3 Bosnia and H…              76.9               96.7 0.367 (4.6… Upper middle …
 4 Uzbekistan                 69                 99.2 0.363 (2.5… Lower middle …
 5 Bangladesh                 71                 53.4 0.347 [0.0… Lower middle …
 6 Afghanistan                56.7               13   0.327 [0.0… Low income    
 7 Zimbabwe                   51.9               80.1 0.321 [0.0… Low income    
 8 Angola                     60.9               58.6 0.320 (0.8… Lower middle …
 9 Myanmar                    67.4               90.4 0.304 [0.0… Lower middle …
10 Yemen                      67.7               48.5 0.296 (0.8… Lower middle …
# ℹ 62 more rows
# ℹ 9 more variables: four_regions <fct>, WaterSourcePrct <dbl>,
#   FoodSupplykcPPD <dbl>, members_oecd_g77 <chr>, .fitted <dbl>, .resid <dbl>,
#   .sigma <dbl>, .cooksd <dbl>, .std.resid <dbl>

Countries with high leverage (\(h_i > 3p/n\))

  • We can look at the countries that have high leverage: there are NONE
n = nrow(gapm2); p = length(final_model$coefficients) - 1
aug %>% 
  filter(.hat > 3*p/n) %>%
# A tibble: 0 × 15
# ℹ 15 variables: country <chr>, LifeExpectancyYrs <dbl>,
#   FemaleLiteracyRate <dbl>, .hat <dbl>, CO2_q <fct>, income_levels1 <fct>,
#   four_regions <fct>, WaterSourcePrct <dbl>, FoodSupplykcPPD <dbl>,
#   members_oecd_g77 <chr>, .fitted <dbl>, .resid <dbl>, .sigma <dbl>,
#   .cooksd <dbl>, .std.resid <dbl>

Identifying points with high Cook’s distance

The Cook’s distance for the \(i^{th}\) observation is

\[d_i = \frac{h_i}{2(1-h_i)} \cdot r_i^2\] where \(h_i\) is the leverage and \(r_i\) is the studentized residual

  • Another rule for Cook’s distance that is not strict:
    • Investigate observations that have \(d_i > 1\)
  • Cook’s distance values are already in the augment tibble: .cooksd
  • No countries with high Cook’s distance
aug = aug %>% relocate(.cooksd, .after = country)
aug %>% arrange(desc(.cooksd)) %>% filter(.cooksd > 1)
# A tibble: 0 × 15
# ℹ 15 variables: country <chr>, .cooksd <dbl>, LifeExpectancyYrs <dbl>,
#   FemaleLiteracyRate <dbl>, .hat <dbl>, CO2_q <fct>, income_levels1 <fct>,
#   four_regions <fct>, WaterSourcePrct <dbl>, FoodSupplykcPPD <dbl>,
#   members_oecd_g77 <chr>, .fitted <dbl>, .resid <dbl>, .sigma <dbl>,
#   .std.resid <dbl>

Plotting Cook’s Distance

# plot(model) shows figures similar to autoplot()
# adds on Cook's distance though
plot(final_model, which = 4)

How do we deal with influential points?

  • If an observation is influential, we can check data errors:

    • Was there a data entry or collection problem?

    • If you have reason to believe that the observation does not hold within the population (or gives you cause to redefine your population)

  • If an observation is influential, we can check our model:

    • Did you leave out any important predictors?

    • Should you consider adding some interaction terms?

    • Is there any nonlinearity that needs to be modeled?

  • Basically, deleting an observation should be justified outside of the numbers!

    • If it’s an honest data point, then it’s giving us important information!
  • Means we will need to discuss the limitations of our model

    • For example: Think about measurements that might help explain life expectancy that are NOT in our model
  • A really well thought out explanation from StackExchange

Poll Everywhere Question 2

When we have detected problems in our model…

  • We have talked about influential points
  • We have talked about identifying issues with our LINE assumptions


What are our options once we have identified issues in our linear regression model?

  • Are we missing a crucial measure in our dataset?

  • Try a transformation if there is an issue with linearity or normality

    • Addressed in model selection
  • Try a weighted least squares approach if unequal variance (oof, not enough time for us to get to)

  • Try a robust estimation procedure if we have a lot of outlier issues (outside scope of class)

Learning Objectives

  1. Apply tools from SLR (Lesson 6: SLR Diagnostics) in MLR to evaluate LINE assumptions, including residual plots and QQ-plots

  2. Apply tools involving standardized residuals, leverage, and Cook’s distance from SLR (Lesson 7: SLR Diagnostics 2) in MLR to flag potentially influential points

  1. Use Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and it’s general form to detect and correct multicollinearity

What is multicollinearity? (adapted from parts of STAT 501 page)

So far, we’ve been ignoring something very important: multicollinearity


Two or more covariates in a multivariable regression model are highly correlated

  • Types of multicollinearity

    • Structural multicollinearity

      • Mathematical artifact caused by creating new covariates from other covariates

      • For example: If we have age, and decide to transform age to include age-squared

        • Then we have age and age-squared in the model: age-squared is perfectly predicted by age!
    • Data-based multicollinearity

      • Result of a poorly designed experiment, reliance on purely observational data, or the inability to manipulate the system on which the data are collected.

Poll Everywhere Question 3

Why is multicollinearity a problem?

In linear regression…

  • Estimated regression coefficient of any one variable depends on other predictors included in the model

    • Not necessarily bad, but a big change might be an issue
  • Hypothesis tests for any coefficient may yield different conclusions depending on other predictors included in the model

  • Marginal contribution of any one predictor variable in reducing the error sum of squares depends on other predictors included in the model


When there is multicollinearity in our model:

  • Precision of the estimated regression coefficients or correlated covariates decreases a lot

    • Basically, standard error increases and confidence intervals get wider, which means we’re not as confident in our estimate anymore

    • Because highly correlated covariates are not adding much more information, but are constraining our model more

Did you notice anything about all the consequences of multicollinearity?

  • All consequences relate to estimating a regression coefficient precisely

    • Recall that precision is linked to analysis goals of association and interpretability
    • See Lesson 12: Model Selection


  • Multicollinearity is not really an issue when our goal is prediction

    • Highly correlated covariates/predictors will not hurt our prediction of an outcome

How do we detect multicollinearity?

  • Variance inflation factors (VIF): quantifies how much the variance of the estimated coefficient for covariate \(k\) increases

    • Increases: from SLR with only covariate \(k\) to MLR with all other covariates


  • General rule of thumb

    • \(4 < VIF < 10\): Warrent investigation (but most people aren’t investigating this…)

    • \(VIF > 10\): Requires correction

      • Influencing regression coefficient estimates


\[ VIF = \dfrac{1}{1-R_k^2} \]

\(R_k^2\) is the \(R^2\)-value obtained by regressing the \(k^{th}\) covariate/predictor on the remaining predictors

Let’s apply it to our final model

  • Naive way to calculate this:
               FemaleLiteracyRate                 CO2_q(0.806,2.54] 
                         4.863139                          2.979224 
                 CO2_q(2.54,4.66]                  CO2_q(4.66,35.2] 
                         4.758904                          5.180216 
income_levels1Lower middle income income_levels1Upper middle income 
                         5.290718                          8.406927 
        income_levels1High income              four_regionsAmericas 
                         7.293148                          2.531966 
                 four_regionsAsia                four_regionsEurope 
                         2.096398                          7.771994 
                  WaterSourcePrct                   FoodSupplykcPPD 
                         4.824266                          3.499250 
             members_oecd_g77oecd            members_oecd_g77others 
                         2.720955                          5.125196 
  • All \(VIF < 10\)

  • Problem: multi-level covariates (CO2 Emissions and income level) have different VIF’s even though they should be considered one variable

Let’s apply it to our final model correctly (1/2)

  • Calculate the GVIF and, more importantly, the \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)}\)

  • GVIF is the \(R^2\)-value for regressing a covariate’s group indicators on the remaining covariates

    • Captures the correlation between covariates better
  • \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)}\) helps standardize GVIF based on how many levels each categorical covariate has

    • I’ll refer to this as df-corrected GVIF or standardized GVIF

    • If continuous covariate, \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)} = \sqrt{GVIF}\)

                        GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
FemaleLiteracyRate  4.863139  1        2.205253
CO2_q               8.223951  3        1.420736
income_levels1     11.045885  3        1.492336
four_regions       13.935918  3        1.551277
WaterSourcePrct     4.824266  1        2.196421
FoodSupplykcPPD     3.499250  1        1.870628
members_oecd_g77    7.430919  2        1.651052

Let’s apply it to our final model correctly (2/2)

  • If continuous covariate, \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)} = \sqrt{GVIF}\)

  • So we can square \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)}\) and set VIF rules

  • OR: we can correct any \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)} > \sqrt{10} = 3.162\)

                        GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
FemaleLiteracyRate  4.863139  1        2.205253
CO2_q               8.223951  3        1.420736
income_levels1     11.045885  3        1.492336
four_regions       13.935918  3        1.551277
WaterSourcePrct     4.824266  1        2.196421
FoodSupplykcPPD     3.499250  1        1.870628
members_oecd_g77    7.430919  2        1.651052
  • All of these covariates are okay! No multicollinearity to correct in this dataset!

But what if we do need to make corrections for multicollinearity?

  • We have been dealing with data-based multicollinearity in our example

  • If we had issues with multicollinearity, then what are our options?

    • Remove the variable(s) with large VIF

    • Use expert knowledge in the field to decide

  • If one variable has a large VIF, then there is usually another one or more variables with large VIFs

    • Basically, all the covariates that are correlated will have large VIFs
  • Example: our two largest GVIFs were for world region and income levels

    • Hypothetical: their \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)} > 3.162\)

    • Remove one of them

    • I’m no expert, but from more of a data equity lens, there’s a lot of generalizations made about world regions

      • I think relying on the income level of a country might give us more information as well

What about structural multicollinearity?

  • Structural multicollinearity

    • Mathematical artifact caused by creating new covariates from other covariates


  • For example: If we have age, and decide to transform age to include age-squared

    • Then we have age and age-squared in the model: age-squared is perfectly predicted by age!

    • By having the untransformed and transformed covariate in the model, they are inherently correlated!


  • Best practice to reduce the correlation: center you covariate

    • By centering age, we no longer have a one-to-one connection between age and age-squared

    • If centered at 40yo: a 35 yo and a 45 yo will both have centered age of 5, and age-squared of 25


Summary of multicollinearity

  • Correlated covariates/predictors will hurt our model’s precision and interpretations of coefficients


  • We need to check for multicollinearity by using VIFs or GVIFs


  • If \(VIF > 10\) or \(GVIF^{1/(2\cdot df)} > 3.162\), we need to do something about the covariates

    • Data based: remove one the of correlated variables

    • Structural based: centering usually fixes it

Regression analysis process

Model Selection

  • Building a model

  • Selecting variables

  • Prediction vs interpretation

  • Comparing potential models

Model Fitting

  • Find best fit line

  • Using OLS in this class

  • Parameter estimation

  • Categorical covariates

  • Interactions

Model Evaluation

  • Evaluation of model fit
  • Testing model assumptions
  • Residuals
  • Transformations
  • Influential points
  • Multicollinearity

Model Use (Inference)

  • Inference for coefficients
  • Hypothesis testing for coefficients
  • Inference for expected \(Y\) given \(X\)
  • Prediction of new \(Y\) given \(X\)