\[ SSY = SST = \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar{Y})^2 \]
Biggest mistakes
Overall, good job! I feel like we’re making progress towards our analysis with thoughtful considerations for the data
I definitely steered us towards thinking about the defined population
Make sure you also think about over-representation
Over-representation does NOT mean we cannot make claims about the under-represented, but present, groups
When visualizing, making tables, displaying information from the data: always keep in the back of your mind:
What can a reader get from this if they have never seen the data?
Is it easy for the reader to understand the plot?
Does everything in the plot have a purpose?
Is the main thing I’m trying to communicate also the thing that stands out?
Bivariate visualization was supposed to visualize our research question
#| message: false
Please use after troubleshooting your code
When assigning category names, capitalization of the first word in each category is customary
Did not take off, but ordering any categorical variables with inherent order is really helpful in our visualizations
Remember that multiple linear regression will adjust for variables outside of our research question!
Only 29 names recorded: should be in gradebook now
Appreciate your feedback
I will try to address some of these
Still seeing what I can change ASAP
Sometimes my own explanations get confusing - would prefer if I revisited topics later rather than going through bad explanation
Lecture notes in PDF: go to github, and I will have a PDF version there by the start of class
Pace of class: mixture of opinions
Exit tickets: some people don’t like them, some do, repetitive
I made all the questions optional now - so fill it out or not, but this is my way of keeping a pulse on how effective lecture was
And this will still be my way of making sure we are staying with the course materials
I view this as an easy way to earn points that take weight away from higher stakes assignments
Datasets: some like that we have one dataset, and some want more
R code: mixture of opinions
Poll everywheres: mixture of opinions
More real world examples to demonstrate concepts
More structure to lectures - wrapping up concepts, learning objectives
Lectures: scrollable html option?
Towards beginning of course: mistakes in slides and due dates
Feedback on HW would be great
Posting earlier: for this quarter - I just don’t have time :(
Referencing a TB in homework and in class: some confusion if you need to read it on your own
You don’t!
I am mostly referencing these things for copyright issues because I am publicly publishing our slides, homeworks, labs, etc.
Some like the format, some don’t
We like the open note
Some: more of a test if you can search through the slides
Options for quizzes: we can brainstorm for next quarter
Would be nice to have a lab section
Labs divided into smaller chunks
Notes with annotations and recording
Engaging lectures (for some)
Descriptions in multiple ways, learning types
Concepts then code
Easy to understand terms when explaining
Judgement free zone
Saw a few students discuss how the volume of work this quarter is giving them anxiety, making them feel inadequate, etc.
I understand and have experienced the same feeling - not saying any of us should experience it
Keep going! Your grades are not your worth! You belong here! I want you to succeed!
Finally, you are LEARNING!
You will get things wrong. Hopefully you and your professors are giving you some grace.
I am still learning! I still reference things from my old classes
If I missed anything important to you in your feedback, please share in the anonymous on-going feedback
Quiz and Lab 2