Week 2

Independent Events; Conditional Probability; and Bayes’ Theorem

October 2, 2023


August 22, 2023


Below is a table with links to resources. Icons in orange mean there is an available file link.

Chapter Topic Slides Annotated Slides Recording
3 Independent Events
4 Conditional Probability
6 Bayes’ Theorem

For the slides, once they are opened, if you would like to print or save them as a PDF, the best way to do this is:

  1. Click on the icon with three horizontal bars on the bottom left of the browser.
  2. Click on “Tools” with the gear icon at the top of the sidebar.
  3. Click on “PDF Export Mode.”
  4. From there, you can print or save the PDF as you would normally from your internet browser.

On the Horizon

Homework 1 due 10/5

Class Exit Tickets

Monday (10/2)

Wednesday (10/4)

Additional Information

Statistician of the Week: Talithia Williams

Image credit: Harvey Mudd College

Talithia Williams

Dr. Williams earned a BS in Mathematics from Spelman College, an MS in Mathematics from Howard University, and a PhD (2008) in Statistics from Rice University. Dr. Williams is Associate Professor and Director of the Clinic Program at Harvey Mudd College. She has also served as Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity at Harvey Mudd.

Topics covered

Dr. Williams works on statistical models which describe spatial and temporal aspects of data. Some of her most important work has focused on developing models to predict cataract surgical rates for countries in Africa.

Relevant work


Dr. Williams was the co-host of the 2018 PBS Nova Wonders series.

Please note the statisticians of the week are taken directly from the CURV project by Jo Hardin.

Muddiest Points

This will be filled in with your Exit Ticket responses.

Clearest Points

This will be filled in with your Exit Ticket responses.