
Instructor: Nicole (Nicky) Wakim, PhD

Pronouns: she/her/hers

You are welcome to address me as Nicky (pronounced “nik-EE”), Dr. Wakim (pronounced “wah-KEEM”), Dr. W, Dr. Nicky, Professor, Professor Wakim, or any combination of the prior.

Best method to contact: Office hours or Slack for general course questions or E-mail/Calendly appointments for private communication.

Brief professor statement: As a professor, my main goal is to instill a growth mindset into my students. Growth mindset means we are NOT stuck in our abilities or knowledge, and that we all can and will grow! This course aims to be as transparent as possible. I want you to understand my motivation for assessments, questions, and lessons. I also want those assessments to be clear, so please ask for clarification whenever needed.

Office Hours

Link to Webex!!

  • Wednesdays 3 - 4pm

Teaching Assistants

Antara and Ariel were great students in my BSTA 513 class last year! They will have the following office hours and will help answer questions on Slack.

Antara Vidyarthi

Link to Zoom!!

  • Tuesdays 5:30 - 7pm

Ariel Weingarten

Link to Webex!!

  • Thursdays 3:30 - 5pm

Statistics Tutor for Epidemiology Students

Becky Lanford

Becky can help with:

  • Statistical coding support

  • Support with stats concepts you are learning in class

  • Data management and analysis plan scheming during your PE

Introduction from Becky:

Hello fellow MPH classmates! My name is Becky Lanford. I’m looking forward to helping support you in your coursework this quarter. A little about my background: I am currently in my final year in the MPH Epidemiology track and have completed most of my coursework including the biostatistics and epidemiology series (mostly working in R). I enrolled at the SPH as someone re-entering the workforce and quite new to statistical programming. Though I had previously completed a graduate degree (as a Physician Assistant/Associate), re-acclimating to graduate work and learning programming skills made for a steep learning curve my first academic year. I credit the collaborative learning environment at SPH - support of TA’s and classmates and availability of instructors - for helping me be successful. I hope I can help answer course-content questions, problem solve with you and find answers if I don’t have them myself. I know there are many challenges to being a graduate student and I am excited to help our public health student community grow stronger and more knowledgeable together.