Project Central


April 1, 2024


May 24, 2024


Lab Due Date Topics
Lab 1 4/18 Exploring the question and data
Lab 2 5/2 EDA continued + Simple logistic regression

Lab 3

Optional missing data code if you want to try it

5/16 Multiple logistic regression + optional missing data
Lab 4 5/30 Building and interpreting final model


Report Instructions

Due 6/13/2024

Information and Resources on Food Insecurity

This project will discuss food insecurity and unmet basic needs. If you have experienced or are experiencing food insecurity, and this project impacts your mental health or ability to work, please let me know. We can work on an alternative analysis with a different dataset.

If you are currently experiencing food insecurity or not meeting your basic needs, here are some resources for Oregon residents:

In addition to these statewide resources, as students, there are other resources available to you:

  • Food Assistance and Basic Needs for OHSU students

    • Includes information on SNAP program

    • Includes information on free groceries available to students at the Food Resource Center

      • You can even order it online and pick it up!
  • You can email for help getting assistance or connecting you to the following services:

    • Manage your finances
    • Access emergency funds
    • Find legal services
    • Apply for SNAP
    • Find child care
    • Find housing

Reading and listening sources