Week 7

Interactions continued

February 19, 2024


February 21, 2024

Room Locations for the week
  • On Monday, 2/19,        we do NOT have class (President’s Day)
  • On Wednesday, 2/14,  we will be in RLSB 3A003 A


On Wednesday, 2/21, we will continue to look at the Interactions slides.

Lesson Topic Slides Annotated Slides Recording
11 Interactions

On the Horizon

  • HW 4 is due on Sunday (2/25)

  • Lab 3 is due Sunday (3/3)

Class Exit Tickets

Wednesday (2/21)


Wednesday 2/21

  • My office hours tomorrow are from 11am - 12pm

    • I have a faculty meeting at 12pm
  • HW 4 is due on Sunday (2/25)

  • Lab 3 is due Sunday (3/3)

  • Next week is virtual!!

Muddiest Points

1. Interactions in general

1.1 Why is it not an effect modifier if p-value is 0.4? Or why is it not significant? Is it because it is not = 0?

1.2 What are some reasons why we would think an effect modifier might exist in our data? or are we testing indiscriminately/ based on our own perspective of the associations in the data

1.3 I’m still not entirely sure I know how to do all the steps of interaction models, but I think part of that may just be me needing to look at my previous notes.

2. Centering the continuous covariate

2.1 How does centering help with interpretation?

I think this blog post has a nice explanation.

But for an example from our class… centering female literacy rate can help us interpret the

2.2 Why do some values of \(\beta\) change after centering the mean and others don’t?