Lesson 15: Model Building

With an emphasis on prediction


Nicky Wakim


May 22, 2024

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the place of LASSO regression within association and prediction modeling for binary outcomes.

  2. Recognize the process for tidymodels

  3. Understand how penalized regression is a form of model/variable selection.

  4. Perform LASSO regression on a dataset using R and the general process for classification methods.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the place of LASSO regression within association and prediction modeling for binary outcomes.
  1. Recognize the process for tidymodels

  2. Understand how penalized regression is a form of model/variable selection.

  3. Perform LASSO regression on a dataset using R and the general process for classification methods.

Some important definitions

  • Model selection: picking the “best” model from a set of possible models

    • Models will have the same outcome, but typically differ by the covariates that are included, their transformations, and their interactions

    • “Best” model is defined by the research question and by how you want to answer it!


  • Model selection strategies: a process or framework that helps us pick our “best” model

    • These strategies often differ by the approach and criteria used to the determine the “best” model


  • Overfitting: result of fitting a model so closely to our particular sample data that it cannot be generalized to other samples (or the population)

Bias-variance trade off

  • Recall from 512/612: MSE can be written as a function of the bias and variance

    \[ MSE = \text{bias}\big(\widehat\beta\big)^2 + \text{variance}\big(\widehat\beta\big) \]

    • We no longer use MSE in logistic regression to find the best fit model, BUT the idea between the bias and variance trade off holds!
  • For the same data:

    • More covariates in model: less bias, more variance

      • Potential overfitting: with new data does our model still hold?
    • Less covariates in model: more bias, less variance

      • More bias bc more likely that were are not capturing the true underlying relationship with less variables

Source: http://scott.fortmann-roe.com/docs/BiasVariance.html

The goals of association vs. prediction

Association / Explanatory / One variable’s effect

  • Goal: Understand one variable’s (or a group of variable’s) effect on the response after adjusting for other factors

  • Mainly interpret odds ratios of the variable that is the focus of the study


  • Goal: to calculate the most precise prediction of the response variable

  • Interpreting coefficients is not important

  • Choose only the variables that are strong predictors of the response variable

    • Excluding irrelevant variables can help reduce widths of the prediction intervals

Model selection strategies for categorical outcomes

Association / Explanatory / One variable’s effect

  • Selection of potential models is tied more with the research context with some incorporation of prediction scores


  • Pre-specification of multivariable model

  • Purposeful model selection

    • “Risk factor modeling”
  • Change in Estimate (CIE) approaches

    • Will learn in Survival Analysis (BSTA 514)


  • Selection of potential models is fully dependent on prediction scores


  • Logistic regression with more refined model selection

    • Regularization techniques (LASSO, Ridge, Elastic net)
  • Machine learning realm

    • Decision trees, random forest, k-nearest neighbors, Neural networks

Before I move on…

  • We CAN use purposeful selection from last quarter in any type of generalized linear model (GLM)

    • This includes logistic regression!


  • The best documented information on purposeful selection is in the Hosmer-Lemeshow textbook on logistic regression


  • I will not discuss purposeful selection in this course

    • Be aware that this is a tool that you can use in any regression!

Okay, so prediction of categorical outcomes

  • Classification: process of predicting categorical responses/outcomes

    • Assigning a category outcome based on an observation’s predictors


  • Note: we’ve already done a lot of work around predicting probabilities within logistic regression

    • Can we take those predicted probabilities one step further to predict the binary outcome??


  • Common classification methods (good site on brief explanation of each)

    • Logistic regression
    • Naive Bayes
    • k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
    • Decision Trees
    • Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
    • Neural Networks

Logistic regression is a classification method

  • But to be a good classifier, our logistic regression model needs to built a certain way


  • Prediction depends on type of variable/model selection!

    • This is when it can become machine learning


  • So the big question is: how do we select this model??

    • Regularized techniques, aka penalized regression

Poll Everywhere Question 1

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the place of LASSO regression within association and prediction modeling for binary outcomes.
  1. Recognize the process for tidymodels
  1. Understand how penalized regression is a form of model/variable selection.

  2. Perform LASSO regression on a dataset using R and the general process for classification methods.

Before I get really into things!!

  • tidymodels is a great package when we are performing prediction

  • One problem: it uses very different syntax for model fitting than we are used to…

  • tidymodels syntax dictates that we need to define:

    • A model
    • A recipe
    • A workflow

tidymodels with GLOW

To fit our logistic regression model with the interaction between age and prior fracture, we use:

# model
model = logistic_reg()
# recipe
recipe = recipe(fracture ~ priorfrac + age_c, data = glow1) %>%
            step_dummy(priorfrac) %>%
            step_interact(terms = ~ age_c:starts_with("priorfrac"))
# workflow
workflow = workflow() %>% add_model(model) %>% add_recipe(recipe)

fit = workflow %>% fit(data = glow1)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) −1.376 0.134 −10.270 0.000 −1.646 −1.120
age_c 0.063 0.015 4.043 0.000 0.032 0.093
priorfrac_Yes 1.002 0.240 4.184 0.000 0.530 1.471
age_c_x_priorfrac_Yes −0.057 0.025 −2.294 0.022 −0.107 −0.008

Same as results from previous lessons

glow_m3 = glm(fracture ~ priorfrac + age_c + priorfrac*age_c, 
              data = glow1, family = binomial)
tidy(glow_m3, conf.int = T) %>% gt() %>% 
  tab_options(table.font.size = 35) %>%
  fmt_number(decimals = 3)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) −1.376 0.134 −10.270 0.000 −1.646 −1.120
priorfracYes 1.002 0.240 4.184 0.000 0.530 1.471
age_c 0.063 0.015 4.043 0.000 0.032 0.093
priorfracYes:age_c −0.057 0.025 −2.294 0.022 −0.107 −0.008

Interaction model: \[\begin{aligned} \text{logit}\left(\widehat\pi(\mathbf{X})\right) & = \widehat\beta_0 &+ &\widehat\beta_1\cdot I(\text{PF}) & + &\widehat\beta_2\cdot Age& + &\widehat\beta_3 \cdot I(\text{PF}) \cdot Age \\ \text{logit}\left(\widehat\pi(\mathbf{X})\right) & = -1.376 &+ &1.002\cdot I(\text{PF})& + &0.063\cdot Age& -&0.057 \cdot I(\text{PF}) \cdot Age \end{aligned}\]

  • Reminder of main effects and interactions

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the place of LASSO regression within association and prediction modeling for binary outcomes.

  2. Recognize the process for tidymodels

  1. Understand how penalized regression is a form of model/variable selection.
  1. Perform LASSO regression on a dataset using R and the general process for classification methods.

Penalized regression

  • Basic idea: We are running regression, but now we want to incentivize our model fit to have less predictors

    • Include a penalty to discourage too many predictors in the model


  • Also known as shrinkage or regularization methods


  • Penalty will reduce coefficient values to zero (or close to zero) if the predictor does not contribute much information to predicting our outcome


  • We need a tuning parameter that determines the amount of shrinkage called lambda/\(\lambda\)

    • How much do we want to penalize additional predictors?

Poll Everywhere Question 2

Three types of penalized regression

Main difference is the type of penalty used

Ridge regression

  • Penalty called L2 norm, uses sqaured values

  • Pros

    • Reduces overfitting
    • Handles \(p>n\)
    • Handles collinearity
  • Cons

    • Does not shrink coefficients to 0
    • Difficult to interpret

Lasso regression

  • Penalty called L1 norm, uses absolute values


  • Pros
    • Reduces overfitting
    • Shrinks coefficients to 0
  • Cons
    • Cannot handle \(p>n\)
    • Does not handle multicollinearity well

Elastic net regression

  • L1 and L2 used, best of both worlds

  • Pros

    • Reduces overfitting
    • Handles \(p>n\)
    • Handles collinearity
    • Shrinks coefficients to 0
  • Cons

    • More difficult to do than other two

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the place of LASSO regression within association and prediction modeling for binary outcomes.

  2. Recognize the process for tidymodels

  3. Understand how penalized regression is a form of model/variable selection.

  1. Perform LASSO regression on a dataset using R and the general process for classification methods.

Overview of the process

  1. Split data into training and testing datasets


  1. Perform our classification method on training set

    • This is where we will use penalized regression!


  1. Measure predictive accuracy on testing set

Example to be used: GLOW Study

  • From GLOW (Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women) study


  • Outcome variable: any fracture in the first year of follow up (FRACTURE: 0 or 1)


  • Risk factor/variable of interest: history of prior fracture (PRIORFRAC: 0 or 1)

  • Potential confounder or effect modifier: age (AGE, a continuous variable)

    • Center age will be used! We will center around the rounded mean age of 69 years old


  • Crossed out because we are no longer attached to specific predictors and their association with fracture

    • Focused on predicting fracture with whatever variables we can!

Step 1: Splitting data

  • Training: act of creating our prediction model based on our observed data

    • Supervised: Means we keep information on our outcome while training


  • Testing: act of measuring the predictive accuracy of our model by trying it out on new data


  • When we use data to create a prediction model, we want to test our prediction model on new data

    • Helps make sure prediction model can be applied to other data outside of the data that was used to create it!


  • So an important first step in prediction modeling is to split our data into a training set and a testing set!

Step 1: Splitting data

Training set

  • Sandbox for model building
  • Spend most of your time using the training set to develop the model
  • Majority of the data (usually 80%)

Testing set

  • Held in reserve to determine efficacy of one or two chosen models
  • Critical to look at it once at the end, otherwise it becomes part of the modeling process
  • Remainder of the data (usually 20%)



Poll Everywhere Question 3

Step 1: Splitting data

  • When splitting data, we need to be conscious of the proportions of our outcomes

    • Is there imbalance within our outcome?

    • We want to randomly select observations but make sure the proportions of No and Yes stay the same

    • We stratify by the outcome, meaning we pick Yes’s and No’s separately for the training set

ggplot(glow1, aes(x = fracture)) + geom_bar()

  • Side note: took out bmi and weight bc we have multicollinearity issues

    • Combo of I hate these variables and my previous work in the LASSO identified these as not important
glow = glow1 %>%
    dplyr::select(-sub_id, -site_id, -phy_id, -age, -bmi, -weight)

Step 1: Splitting data

  • From package rsample within tidyverse, we can use initial_split() to create training and testing data

    • Use strata to stratify by fracture
glow_split = initial_split(glow, strata = fracture, prop = 0.8)
  • Then we can pull the training and testing data into their own datasets
glow_train = training(glow_split)
glow_test = testing(glow_split)

Step 1: Splitting data: peek at the split

Rows: 400
Columns: 10
$ priorfrac <fct> No, No, Yes, No, No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, …
$ height    <int> 158, 160, 157, 160, 152, 161, 150, 153, 156, 166, 153, 160, …
$ premeno   <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No, No,…
$ momfrac   <fct> No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No…
$ armassist <fct> No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No…
$ smoke     <fct> No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No…
$ raterisk  <fct> Same, Same, Less, Less, Same, Same, Less, Same, Same, Less, …
$ fracscore <int> 1, 2, 11, 5, 1, 4, 6, 7, 7, 0, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 7, 2, 1, 4, 5,…
$ fracture  <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, …
$ age_c     <dbl> -7, -4, 19, 13, -8, -2, 15, 13, 17, -11, -2, -5, -1, -2, 0, …
Rows: 100
Columns: 10
$ priorfrac <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Yes, Yes, No, No, No, No, No…
$ height    <int> 167, 162, 165, 158, 153, 170, 154, 171, 142, 152, 166, 154, …
$ premeno   <fct> No, No, No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, No, No, No, No,…
$ momfrac   <fct> No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No…
$ armassist <fct> Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, …
$ smoke     <fct> Yes, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No…
$ raterisk  <fct> Same, Less, Less, Greater, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Sam…
$ fracscore <int> 3, 1, 5, 1, 8, 3, 7, 1, 6, 7, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 8, 4, 3, …
$ fracture  <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, …
$ age_c     <dbl> -13, -10, 3, -8, 17, 0, 6, -5, 1, 17, -11, -6, -10, -12, -6,…

Step 2: Fit LASSO penalized logistic regression model

  • Using Lasso penalized regression!

  • We can simply set up a penalized regression model


lasso_mod = logistic_reg(penalty = 0.001, mixture = 1) %>%

  • glmnet takes the basic fitting of glm and adds penalties!

    • In tidymodels we set an engine that will fit the model
  • mixture option let’s us pick the penalty

    • mixture = 0 for Ridge regression
    • mixture = 1 for Lasso regression
    • 0 < mixture < 1 for Elastic net regression

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Main effects

glow_rec_main = recipe(fracture ~ ., data = glow_train) %>%

  step_dummy(priorfrac, premeno, momfrac, armassist, smoke, raterisk)

glow_workflow_main = workflow() %>%

      add_model(lasso_mod) %>% add_recipe(glow_rec_main)
glow_fit_main = glow_workflow_main %>% fit(glow_train)

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Main effects: Identify variables

vi_data_main = glow_fit_main %>% 
    pull_workflow_fit() %>%
    vi(lambda = 0.001) %>%
    filter(Importance != 0)
# A tibble: 9 × 3
  Variable         Importance Sign 
  <chr>                 <dbl> <chr>
1 raterisk_Greater     0.559  POS  
2 momfrac_Yes          0.542  POS  
3 priorfrac_Yes        0.493  POS  
4 raterisk_Same        0.438  POS  
5 smoke_Yes            0.376  NEG  
6 premeno_Yes          0.285  POS  
7 fracscore            0.197  POS  
8 armassist_Yes        0.146  POS  
9 height               0.0382 NEG  
  • Looks like age is removed!

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Main effects + interactions

  • We want to include interactions in our regression
  • The main effect model will be our starting point
    • Otherwise, we may drop main effects but not their interactions
    • Cannot do that: see hierarchy principle
  • I remove age_c from this section because main effects did not include it
glow_rec_int = recipe(fracture ~ ., data = glow_train) %>%
  update_role(age_c, new_role = "dont_use") %>%

  step_dummy(priorfrac, premeno, momfrac, armassist, smoke, raterisk) %>%

  step_interact(terms = ~ all_predictors():all_predictors())

glow_workflow_int = workflow() %>%
      add_model(lasso_mod) %>% add_recipe(glow_rec_int)
glow_fit_int = glow_workflow_int %>% fit(glow_train)

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Identify interactions

vi_data_int = glow_fit_int %>%
    pull_workflow_fit() %>%
    vi(lambda = 0.001) %>%
    filter(Importance != 0)
# A tibble: 34 × 3
   Variable                       Importance Sign 
   <chr>                               <dbl> <chr>
 1 smoke_Yes                            4.29 NEG  
 2 smoke_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater         3.89 POS  
 3 smoke_Yes_x_raterisk_Same            3.14 POS  
 4 premeno_Yes_x_smoke_Yes              3.00 NEG  
 5 momfrac_Yes_x_armassist_Yes          2.82 NEG  
 6 priorfrac_Yes_x_premeno_Yes          2.50 NEG  
 7 priorfrac_Yes                        1.82 POS  
 8 armassist_Yes_x_smoke_Yes            1.44 POS  
 9 premeno_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater       1.31 POS  
10 momfrac_Yes_x_smoke_Yes              1.17 POS  
# ℹ 24 more rows
  • This is where things got a little annoying for me…

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Identify interactions

  • I combed through the column names of the results to find the interactions
 [1] "smoke_Yes"                        "smoke_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater"    
 [3] "smoke_Yes_x_raterisk_Same"        "premeno_Yes_x_smoke_Yes"         
 [5] "momfrac_Yes_x_armassist_Yes"      "priorfrac_Yes_x_premeno_Yes"     
 [7] "priorfrac_Yes"                    "armassist_Yes_x_smoke_Yes"       
 [9] "premeno_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater"   "momfrac_Yes_x_smoke_Yes"         
[11] "priorfrac_Yes_x_momfrac_Yes"      "priorfrac_Yes_x_armassist_Yes"   
[13] "premeno_Yes_x_armassist_Yes"      "momfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Same"     
[15] "priorfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater" "armassist_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater"
[17] "fracscore_x_momfrac_Yes"          "priorfrac_Yes_x_smoke_Yes"       
[19] "premeno_Yes_x_raterisk_Same"      "fracscore_x_priorfrac_Yes"       
[21] "fracscore_x_premeno_Yes"          "raterisk_Same"                   
[23] "fracscore"                        "fracscore_x_raterisk_Greater"    
[25] "armassist_Yes_x_raterisk_Same"    "fracscore_x_smoke_Yes"           
[27] "height"                           "momfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater"  
[29] "priorfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Same"    "fracscore_x_raterisk_Same"       
[31] "height_x_raterisk_Greater"        "height_x_premeno_Yes"            
[33] "height_x_fracscore"               "height_x_armassist_Yes"          

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Identify interactions

  • I combed through the column names of the results to find the interactions
interactions = vi_data_int %>% filter(grepl("_x_", Variable)) %>%
                select(Variable) %>% separate(Variable, "_x_")

interaction_terms = ~ (all_predictors()^2) - #Makes interactions b/w all predictors
                      fracscore:starts_with("premeno") - # Removes this interaction
                      height:starts_with("premeno") - 
                      height:starts_with("smoke") - 

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Create recipe and fit model (from LASSO)

  • This is not the typical procedure for LASSO, but the tidymodels framework for interactions did not let me keep all main effects when looking at my interactions
glow_rec_int2 = recipe(fracture ~ ., data = glow_train) %>%
  update_role(age_c, new_role = "dont_use") %>%

  step_dummy(priorfrac, premeno, momfrac, armassist, smoke, raterisk) %>%

  step_interact(terms = interaction_terms)
log_model = logistic_reg()

glow_workflow_int2 = workflow() %>%
      add_model(log_model) %>% add_recipe(glow_rec_int2)
glow_fit_int2 = glow_workflow_int2 %>% fit(glow_train)

Step 2: Fit LASSO: Look at model fit

print(tidy(glow_fit_int2), n=60)
# A tibble: 42 × 5
   term                              estimate std.error statistic p.value
   <chr>                                <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 (Intercept)                        3.09      10.3       0.300   0.764 
 2 height                            -0.0415     0.0637   -0.652   0.515 
 3 fracscore                         -2.92       2.15     -1.36    0.175 
 4 priorfrac_Yes                     15.1        8.61      1.75    0.0793
 5 premeno_Yes                       -0.805      1.14     -0.709   0.478 
 6 momfrac_Yes                       -1.71       1.74     -0.984   0.325 
 7 armassist_Yes                     18.5       10.7       1.73    0.0838
 8 smoke_Yes                        -22.8      838.       -0.0272  0.978 
 9 raterisk_Same                     16.0       10.1       1.59    0.112 
10 raterisk_Greater                   1.13       9.16      0.123   0.902 
11 height_x_fracscore                 0.0215     0.0136    1.58    0.113 
12 height_x_priorfrac_Yes            -0.0825     0.0531   -1.55    0.120 
13 height_x_armassist_Yes            -0.114      0.0645   -1.77    0.0762
14 height_x_raterisk_Same            -0.0940     0.0623   -1.51    0.131 
15 height_x_raterisk_Greater          0.00238    0.0563    0.0423  0.966 
16 fracscore_x_priorfrac_Yes         -0.373      0.177    -2.10    0.0353
17 fracscore_x_momfrac_Yes            0.608      0.313     1.94    0.0520
18 fracscore_x_armassist_Yes         -0.111      0.178    -0.626   0.531 
19 fracscore_x_smoke_Yes              0.604      0.564     1.07    0.284 
20 fracscore_x_raterisk_Same         -0.257      0.209    -1.23    0.217 
21 fracscore_x_raterisk_Greater      -0.318      0.212    -1.50    0.133 
22 priorfrac_Yes_x_premeno_Yes       -2.72       1.06     -2.56    0.0104
23 priorfrac_Yes_x_momfrac_Yes       -1.35       1.35     -1.00    0.317 
24 priorfrac_Yes_x_armassist_Yes      1.45       0.820     1.76    0.0779
25 priorfrac_Yes_x_smoke_Yes         -0.329      1.68     -0.196   0.845 
26 priorfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Same      0.122      0.837     0.146   0.884 
27 priorfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater   0.838      0.916     0.915   0.360 
28 premeno_Yes_x_momfrac_Yes          0.304      1.58      0.192   0.848 
29 premeno_Yes_x_armassist_Yes        1.73       0.923     1.87    0.0615
30 premeno_Yes_x_smoke_Yes           -3.98       1.84     -2.17    0.0300
31 premeno_Yes_x_raterisk_Same        0.716      1.16      0.620   0.535 
32 premeno_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater     1.71       1.19      1.44    0.150 
33 momfrac_Yes_x_armassist_Yes       -3.60       1.43     -2.52    0.0118
34 momfrac_Yes_x_smoke_Yes            2.73       2.67      1.02    0.307 
35 momfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Same        1.87       1.33      1.41    0.160 
36 momfrac_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater     0.730      1.33      0.548   0.583 
37 armassist_Yes_x_smoke_Yes          1.58       1.67      0.948   0.343 
38 armassist_Yes_x_raterisk_Same      0.690      0.893     0.774   0.439 
39 armassist_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater  -0.247      0.975    -0.253   0.800 
40 smoke_Yes_x_raterisk_Same         19.5      838.        0.0232  0.981 
41 smoke_Yes_x_raterisk_Greater      20.0      838.        0.0239  0.981 
42 raterisk_Same_x_raterisk_Greater  NA         NA        NA      NA     

Poll Everywhere Question 4

Step 3: Prediction on testing set

glow_test_pred = predict(glow_fit_int2, new_data = glow_test, type = "prob") %>%
glow_test_pred %>% 
  roc_auc(truth = fracture, 
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  .metric .estimator .estimate
  <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
1 roc_auc binary         0.644
glow_test_pred %>% 
  roc_curve(truth = fracture, .pred_No) %>%

Step 3: Prediction on testing set

glow_test_pred = predict(glow_fit_int2, new_data = glow_test, type = "prob") %>%
glow_test_pred %>% 
  roc_auc(truth = fracture, 
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  .metric .estimator .estimate
  <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
1 roc_auc binary         0.644


Why is this AUC worse than the one we saw with prior fracture, age, and their interaction?

  • Only 1 training and testing set: can overfit training and perform poorly on testing
  • We did not tune our penalty
  • Our testing set only has 100 observations!
glow_test_pred %>% 
  roc_curve(truth = fracture, .pred_No) %>%

Cross-validation (specifically k-fold)

  • Prevents overfitting to one set of training data

  • Split data into folds that train and validate model selection

  • Basically subsection of training and testing (called validating) before truly testing on our original testing set

Solutions / Resources (beyond our class right now)


  • Revisited model selection techniques and discussed how a binary outcome can be treated differently than a continuous outcome
  • Discussed association vs prediction modeling
  • Discussed classification: a type of machine learning!
  • Introduced penalized regression as a classification method
  • Performed penalized regression (specifically LASSO) to select a prediction model
  • Process presented today has major flaws
    • We did not tune our parameter
    • We did not perform cross validation

For your Lab 4

  • You can use purposeful selection, like we did last quarter

    • If you want to focus on association modeling!

    • A good way to practice this again if you struggled with it previously


  • You can try out LASSO regression

    • If you want to focus on prediction modeling!
    • And if you want to stretch your R coding skills